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Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies


Introducing Omela Natural’s Ceylon Cinnamon Complex Gummy Vitamins - a delectable way to experience the numerous health benefits of Ceylon Cinnamon, all in one convenient gummy.

Key Features:

  1. Ceylon Cinnamon Power: These gummies are infused with pure Ceylon cinnamon, renowned for its superior quality and distinct, sweet flavor. Ceylon cinnamon offers a range of potential health benefits.
  2. Antioxidant Boost: Ceylon cinnamon is rich in antioxidants, helping your body combat oxidative stress and promoting overall well-being. With these gummies, you can harness the power of nature’s antioxidants in a delightful form.
  3. Tasty and Sugar-Free: We’ve carefully crafted these gummies to be delicious while also being free from added sugars. They’re a delightful way to enjoy the flavors of Ceylon cinnamon without any guilt.
  4. Vegan and Natural: These gummies are vegan-friendly, gluten-free, non-GMO, gelatin-free and contain no artificial color or flavors, making them suitable for a wide range of dietary preferences.
  5. Convenient Daily Support: enjoy the benefits of Ceylon cinnamon without the need for capsules or powders. Just pop a gummy in your mouth, and you’re on your way to a healthier you.
  6. Quality Assurance: Omela Naturals is committed to delivering top-notch products. Our Ceylon Cinnamon Complex Gummy Vitamins are manufactured in a cutting-edge facility, ensuring the highest quality and safety standards.

Omela Natural’s Ceylon Cinnamon Complex Gummy Vitamins are more than just a delicious treat – they are a delightful way to incorporate the goodness of Ceylon cinnamon into your daily wellness routine. With each gummy, you’re taking a step toward supporting your overall health while indulging in the sweet, natural flavor of Ceylon cinnamon.

Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies
Cinnamon Complex: Ceylon, Bark & Chromium Gummies

our finest product

What will these gummies do for you?



Cinnamon contains compounds with antioxidant properties that may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.


Heart health

Some research suggests that cinnamon may have a positive impact on heart health by reducing risk factors like high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.



 Some studies suggest that cinnamon may have anti-inflammatory effects, which could potentially help reduce inflammation in the body.


Blood sugar

Research indicates that cinnamon can support healthy blood sugar levels which are already in the normal range — helping to transport sugar from the bloodstream to the tissues to keep blood sugar levels balanced


Our Gummies are Vegan-Friendly and Allergen-Free


Made with a pectin base, our gummies are vegan-friendly, gluten-free, non-GMO, and free from artificial colors and flavors, ensuring inclusivity for a variety of diteray preferences. Whether you follow a vegan lifestyle or have a specific dietary restrictions, our gummies are the perfect choice for you.

Made in USA

Crafted with care in an FDA-regulated facility in the USA, our gummies undergo rigorous quality control measures to ensure safety, efficacy, and label accuracy. You can trust that our product meet the highest quality and compliance set by regulatory authorities.

Delightful Taste, Zero Guilt

Savor the delightful combination of cinnamon an apple pie flavor with every chew, without worrying about added sugars. Our gummies are expertly cafted to provide a delicious taste experience without compromising on health.

Convenient Packaging, On-the-Go Access

Our environmentally conscious packaging features a resealable pouch, minimizing plastic usage while keeping our gummies fresh and well-protected for on-the-go access. Whether you're at home, work, or traveling, you can enjoy the benefits of our gummies wherever you go.


Optimal Nutrient Absorption

Formulated with Chromium and Cinnamon Bark, our gummies offer a synergistic blend of nutrients that work together to support healthy living. With 2000mg of cinnamon extract per serving, our gummies provide easy yet crucial support for your dietary habits, including sugar regulation (hat are already in the normal range)  and joint health.  Infused with pure essence of Ceylon Cinnamon, our gummies offer a natural and potent source of antioxidants, helping your body combat oxidative stress and promote vitality from within.